Come celebrate the Union Square Somervlille Playlist CD release with contributing acts Bolivia Canta and Libana at the legendary Club Passim in Harvard Square, Cambridge on Saturday October 22 from 3-5 pm! Tickets are $13/$15.
Libana illuminates the creativity, vision and spirit of women worldwide. Group founder and Artistic Director Susan Robbins also operates Third Life Studio in the heart of Union Square. Libana has released nine albums, most recently Instrument of Peace. The Boston Globe calls them "World Class! . . . a globe-circling sound . . . The music brings universal understanding across borders."
Bolivia Canta formed over 15 years ago to showcase music from the Andes in the Boston area. The band has played at Union Square's Machu Picchu Restaurante Turistico every Friday night for the last ten years. The band combines traditional Bolivian instruments (zampona, charango,quenas, bombos) with electroacustic guitars, drums and synthesizers. Their music is based in Bolivian, Peruvian, Ecuadorian and Colombian rhythms but they also play American music with some Latino bits like Cumbia and Rumba as well.