An Afternoon with Kevin Dua, 2017 Massachusetts History Teacher of the Year
On Sunday, February 25th, join Historic Somerville for a moderated discussion with celebrated history teacher Kevin Dua. Dua is the 2017 Massachusetts History Teacher of the Year, an award sponsored by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Dua was also named a top ten finalist for the National History Teacher of the Year prize. Recognized for his work at Somerville High School, Dua will address the roles of patriotism, freedom, individuality, and collectivism in the United States, both historically and in the present. The event will be moderated by historian and legal scholar Dan Breen (Brandeis University), a longtime Somerville resident, and will be followed by a reception.
In addition to his other honors, the Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies recently awarded Kevin Dua with the 2017 Don Salvucci Award for Excellence in Promoting Civic Education. Each year the award recognizes one teacher in the state for their work in teaching democratic values and responsibilities.
If you plan to attend, please email Eileen Schofield, President, Historic Somerville, eschofield2014@gmail.com. (Your RSVP is helpful, but is not required.)
This free event is supported by Mass Humanities and presented by Historic Somerville and the Union Square Somerville Playlist. Many thanks to support from Mass Humanities, whose grants inspire considered thought, conversation, and action through the humanities. We’re happy to participate in their mission to improve civic life in Massachusetts. See more about what Mass Humanities does here: www.masshumanities.org The Center for the Arts at the Armory is an ADA accessible venue.
www.historicsomerville.org www.masshumanities.org www.somervillema.gov/departments/historic-preservation-commission